​In the article by James Joyce “Dubliners” it seems very intimidating at first but not scary or dark, kind of like my strange place.  I would not consider it scary or dark, maybe a little cold because of the late night air from the door opening and closing, but it was somewhere I have never been before, and with people I just met a few weeks ago. It was very loud due to the live band and also the amount of people in the place but this was normal for these places on a Saturday night. I felt a little out of my comfort zone at first because everyone seemed to know each other but me. I think it was because I am not from the same area that they are, and they go there frequently.

lady talking way way too loud, cold air from door opening. #strangeplace #twitterive

Surprisingly clean bathroom, drinks in cups & bottles, basketball on tv #strangeplace #twitterive

Loud music, people talking and laughing, sticky floor #twitterive